
作者: 奔驰GLC级 来源: 自媒体 2019-08-24 00:18:03  阅读:5369+
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【飞翔轿车 行业资讯】近两年关于飞翔轿车的相关报导并不罕见,吉祥乃至还收买了美国飞翔轿车公司Terrafugia,而现在绝大部分正在研制的飞翔轿车都需要在一段跑道通过滑跑才干完结起飞和下降。不过就在近来,一家美国-以色列联合企业NFT(Next Future Transportation的缩写)推出了一台能够笔直起降的飞翔概念车——Aska。



English version

In the past two years, reports about flying cars are not uncommon. Geely even bought Terrafugia, an American flying car company. At present, most of the flying cars under development need to ski on a runway to take off and land. But recently, an American-Israeli joint venture, NFT (short for Next Future Transportation), launched a concept flying car, Aska, which can take off and land vertically.

Aska carries a programmed electric drive system, battery pack and gasoline range extender data are not released, but the official disclosure of the flight concept car flight range of 563 km, can accommodate up to three passengers. Aska will complete all journeys on land and air by the fully automatic driving system. (文编译/飞翔轿车 feiauto)
